Friday, August 10, 2007


So after all the ranting and raving from my friends, I finally picked up a copy of Twilight. It didn't really seem like my kind of read (it's about vampires), but everyone was so enthusiastic about it I thought I'd give it a go. Turns out, they were right. It is FANTASTIC! I just about read the whole book in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. Of course, it's not classic literature or real deap, but it was very entertaining. And scary. And romantic. And hey, who doesn't want that? There are two more books in this series, the third of which just came out this week. I already can't wait to pick them up. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it. And if you love reading as much as I do, check out goodreads. I love it! It's a fun website that lets you keep track of what you've read, what you want to read, your reviews, and what your friends are reading. Who knows where it may take you. Possibly into a vampire's lair...


Rochelleht said...

When are you going to start coming to our bookclub?

Glad you liked it. See you in the morn.

Cherity said...

My sis-in-law gave me this book a couple of months ago. I haven't really even thought about reading it. But maybe I should give it a try!?!?

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm glad you finally caved and read it. I think #2 New Moon is the best one.