Thursday, March 18, 2010


There's been a Batman obession at our house lately.
This is AJ & Morgan playing Mariocart on the Wii (her other obsession):

To AJ's sheer delight, she was invited to a Batman-themed birthday party last week. I found an adult Batman shirt on clearance at Kohl's ($4 - yeah!) and refashioned it into a dress for her for the party:

And what's a dress without a matching hair flower:

They made capes and masks at the party, which pretty much haven't come off since.

In fact, she fell asleep with them on. We removed them before we went to sleep, only to wake up in the morning and discover this:

Obsessed much?


Rochelleht said...

Ok, that's all ADORABLE!!! And I'm dying over her first picture. Classic.

Mellodee said...

Little kids just knock me out!! The expression her face in the first one is wonderful!