Friday, March 27, 2009


I'm all for teaching my child, but I'm pretty sure if she's experiencing diarrhea, she doesn't need a book to explain it. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's pretty self-explanatory.


Anne Thompson said...

Wow, that is a little silly! Can't believe someone put that effort into that book! haha

LittleLovables said...

Well, it's prety important, diarrhea is.

After all, my bro in law who is in medical school has had 3 different lectures devoted entirely to the topic.


Rochelleht said...

Can't stop laughing!!! Did you read this to my kid this morning??

Anonymous said...

That is really too funny! The things people come up with to make a buck.

Anonymous said...

Really? Did they have to go there?