Friday, October 24, 2008


What makes me think that this little girl,

may someday turn out like this?

The fact that today at Target, she turned to me in total panic screaming "GET IT OUT!" Coffee bean stuck in the nose, people. I don't even DRINK coffee, but she loves the smell. Loves it so much, that apparently she can inhale with enough force to lift it from her palm and impale it in her nostril. After a little finagling, we got it out, but it was one of those "Is this seriously my life?" moments. Never pictured myself at the grocery store shopping for coffee from my child's facial orifice. I'm glad everything was OK and it was a good lesson learned, for both of us. She will never stick things in her nose, and I will teach her to sniff better things at the store, like the doughnuts in the bakery or the tires in the bike section. At least they can't fit up your nose.


Rebecca said...

At least it was an accident. L. shoved Darth Vader's lego arm up her nose on purpose. We had to go to quick care. Silly girl! Good thing they're so darn cute. :)

Rochelleht said...

Oh, that is CRAZY! Yes, the first thing I thought of when I read this was Rebecca and her offspring. Tee hee!!

Anonymous said...

You are cracking me up! I think they only shove something up there one time and then they learn, or you can hope. I know it scared my son silly.

Kamille said...

Ha ha ha!!! Lol. My daughter put a rolly polly up her nose. When she told me about it and the measures she took to get it out I didn't believe her, until she put a 5 inch long spaghetti noodle up her nose. Come to find out if it's a dry noodle the DR. will get it out but if it's wet, it emergency room quality. I think a coffee been is a much better choice of things to put up your nose than a rolly polly, at least she's selective.

aurora said...

You know coffee IS supposed to cleanse your olfactory glands...

Cherity said...

LOL! I hate having to do that kind of stuff in public. I feel like people are looking at me wondering why I can't control my child! She looks so super sweet in that picture btw!

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! I would be in a panic.

Getting things caught up their nose is about the only things the boys haven't done, if you don't count their constant finger. {{grodie}} Although I was at a friends house and her son got a marble stuck up there. We went home from our play date as she went to the ER. Geeze these kids.