Saturday, September 20, 2008


Too tired to re-cap the party. Went to bed at 4am. If you care, you can go here to check out the fun.


Rochelleht said...

Great pictures! Love the one of us. Umm... who has boobs and who doesn't? ;-)

I am soooo tired. It's 10:30 and we just got back from the Ranger game. I'm running on 3 hours sleep. Fumes, baby!

katri said...

You party animal you!

I am so jealous that I had to take the babysitter home.

You will always be the President. :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you! How fun and what a great group of wild women!

Laura said...

How FUN! Looks like another successful party... happy birthday Rochelle (still can't get on your sight?!?!?) Don't know what's up with that! Hope it was a GREAT one!

PS love your t-shirt Rochelle- Sarah is really awesome!

Little Lovables said...

I don't know you, but I saw you on Aurora's blog and loved the haircut so I had to visit! Cute blog, I love your banner and you have an etsy shop? Neat-o, I have 2Etsy shops!

Anonymous said...

You party animal! I was so bummed I had company to attend to at my house. Just more proof of my bad juju.

Did you go to Ikea? I can't wait to see how the light fixture turns out.